Monday 3 January 2011

Artastic Challenge

No3 0f 365

This LO is for the Artastic Challenge blog that asks you to use art as inspiration for your LOs.

This LO is about our New Year's Eve celebrations- we shared a gourmet schotel with our friend ( otherwise known as a raclette in Switzerland) they are widely popular here at Christmas, Easter, New Year and Sinterklass. In fact the little bits of meat for it are almost all you can get as special food in the supermarkets at those times of year..... but the rest of the year you can't!

I've also used my Christmas present on husband is invariably useless at Christmas gifts- he likes to buy me something useful or a gadget- so I was quite pleased this year when he bought me a polaroid pogo portable printer that uses special polaroid paper and no ink- it prints out these tiny little photos as stickers- cool huh?

Oh and I'm also being cheeky and using this for the American Crafts challenge- a New Year's LO
The Inspiration was this from Renoir and added criteria was
1- a celebration
2- at least three people
3- food on the LO
I think I managed all three

American Crafts abode paper
two American crafts flair badges
two kinds of American crafts Christmas paper
American crafts remarks stickers
and of course thickers

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